After getting lost numerous times on the detours and exits of the California 405 Freeway, we finally arrived at the Nokia Live in Los Angeles, all geared up for the Metal party of the year!! I wasn't just toting my clutch, I was pumped with adrenalin! I knew the surprise was going to be, among many others, Max singing Roots with Suicide Silence! This was going to be sick!
Nokia Live |
The minute we went up the escalator, the action started! Max and I had brought Igor and Aggy and were also meeting my Incite boys, who are recording in Van Nuys with Matt Hyde! I was told Max's escort for the night would be none other than the legendary Metal Maria, who is my dear could the night get any better?? And there they all were, at the top of the stairs! Big grins on all....
Aggy, Me, and Kendog at the entrance |
Commotion began immediately! Thats rest...just action! Max, Richie and Igor were swiped away to walk the black carpet. The second they set foot on it, the cameras were out. Damn, you woulda thought Princess Kate was standing there! It was a mountain of flashes upon flashes!! I snuck off with Aggy to the other end of the carpet and had a chat with our friend, Dee Snyder. Dee was doing the interviews for VH1 and had a low stage set up where the artists finished their walk. So many people wanted Max and the boys it was nearly an hour before we saw them again!!
Dee spotted me! |
Dee interviewing the boys! |
When we finally got the guys back and went into the Nokia Lounge, we were surprised ..and DEE-lighted to find we had our own table reserved for THE CAVALERA FAMILY! This was gangster!! It was right across from Linkin Park and Ace Frehley's tables!! I am gonna faint just writing this!! Ok, get a grip...
Max and Ace Frehley |
Kendog guarding our private table |
Slayer kicked it all off as the surprise guest with South Of Heaven! No better way to get this off to a start than headbanging to Slayer!! Max and I rocked next to Jose Mangin and his hot Mama, Melissa! Everywhere you looked, there was a hero....Tony Iommii, Alice Cooper, Rob Zombie, Five Finger Death Punch, Lita Ford, Wendy Dio, Tony Hawk, Marilyn Manson, Body Count, ZZ Top, Pat Benatar, Guns and Roses, Dave Navarro, Carmen Electra, Zakk Wylde, Doyle and Elissa White-Gluz, Scott Ian, Nicholas name a tiny fraction of the rockers there. Whoa, I am outta breath...
Slayer |
Aggy, Melissa Mangin, an Me! |
Marilyn Manson, and Addy Miller |
Doyle and Elissa |
Alice Cooper and his wife |
About 9:15, Max, Metal Maria (Ferrrera) and I went backstage to meet up with Suicide Silence. They were super-hyped and we were too! The crowd went into a frenzy and I will say, the sound out front was phenomenal!
Max playing with Suicide Silence |
Max, Me, and Tommy Victor (Prong) |
We went back to our table and the crowd was so thick. Max was congratulated by his heroes and the boys and Aggy were tearing shit up in the smoking lounge. Me?? I was emailing and working as usual, tucked next to Max, with a smile on my face. When Igor pinched Andy Dick's nipple, we knew it was time to get outta Dodge...
Aggy, and Igor |
Class dismissed....