
Friday, January 26, 2018


Nov. 14 and 15th, 1992. couldn't come fast enough! Max and I were super excited because we were going to see the reunion of Ozzy Osbourne, on stage with Black Sabbath!! It was the first time in 13 years that he would perform with them, and we were all super pumped for it! We even brought all the family out for the big event!

We had just finished the Ozzy Osbourne, and Alice in Chains' tour...62 raging shows!! It was a blast hanging out with the Alice in Chains' guys. Layne was a frequent guest on our bus. I guess I can tell you a The Layne first came on the bus, the first thing he said was "so which one of you is doin' the manager?" Max and I gulped and cracked up. Basically I was sitting there, 5 months prego with a little Z.... That was the start of many nights and days of laughter!

As the Costa Mesa show drew near, we were so tremendously excited!! We couldn't believe we would get to witness this event, much less support it on stage. Of course Max and Co.s' set was blistering madness, but the best was yet to come! When the Oz Man walked out, raised his arms and had that damn white fringed shirt on, it was like a stick of dynamite blasting around us! Everyone went into a frenzy. The cool thing was, the crew let our kids sit on the front of the stage at stage right!! The best seat in the house!! Check it out here!! Good times!

Ozzy sang 4 tracks with them and the great and and powerful Rob Halford maestro-ed the rest of the Black Sabbath set. Ozzy performed Black Sabbath, Fairies Wear Boots,Iron Man and Paranoid. He also played his full Ozzy Osbourne set! Our kids chased the band members around backstage later! I didn't stop them!

Class dismissed..

Friday, January 19, 2018


There are many stage dives in the mosh pit world. The first one I ever did was in 1985 at a club called Rockers, in Phoenix. Like the adventurous person I am, I was pregnant with Richie and the band was Megadeth! Yeah, I was always a bit daring. I was at least 6 months pregnant and it was more like a leap into the crowd, than a dive. I have since launched off the stage in the old Dynamo Club in Eindhoven, Holland and the legendary Marquee in an idiot, in a black dress and during a Sepultura show! Since then I have tamed myself down and tried to look like a manager/momager. Let's go back to a Motorhead show in Germany...

Motorhead was kind enough to add my bands on several tours through the years. My first trip to Europe was on a Motorhead Christmas run, in 1988. I also took Sepultura on a couple Christmas tours with the mighty MH. This particular tour, Max was in a drunken, launch mode one night and I was right there and able to photograph it in sequence! Couple rules..leave your guitar, don't take the mic, have someone to get you back on stage and don't wear jewelry like a cross Ozzy gave you or a gold lion with emerald eyes ring from your wife. They will get snagged by someone, and take the fun out of the launch.

This night, our tour manager, Jim Lockyer, was there to save the day and get Max back on stage to complete the song. Smooth... It usually pumps up the rest of the band and someone will go with the flow, like Iggor did! At the end of the set he kicked his drums over, into a big pile of metal and wood..something I never will have the thrill of doing! It must be fun because Zyon sure seems happy when he carries on this tradition!

After this kind of rocket powered set, be sure to do more crazy stuff and enjoy it! You can always say you didn't remember in the morning!!

Class dismissed....

Friday, January 12, 2018


In the mid 1990's, I got Seputura on an Ozzy North American tour. We were all super excited and we had a blast throughout the tour. As the run began its last days, we heard rumors of a Black Sabbath reunion happening at one of the California dates. Heck yes we were pulsing flames!!

We were all spread out from the bus to the dressing room, when one of the crew came to find us...."Black Sabbath is sound checking under our backdrop!" It didn't take us long to haul ass out to the stands to capture this moment!! And that's exactly what we did!!

Class dismissed...

Friday, January 5, 2018


When I grabbed Dana's lyrics and put them in my purse, I had no idea that the track, Head Up, would one day in the near future be a reality.  I am certain Dana is marveling, some where in a far pff land!  Chino took those lines and turned them into a lyrically potion!  Max birthed the name Soulfly as a continuation.  It was all meant to be.  In the end, the Deftones turned friendship and love into something that will march into the ages.  And let's not forget Zyon's little innocent but a bit naughty face, giving us all the Bird.  Birds gotta fly free, he says to this day!

Enjoy these unreleased photos. You can feel the energy, the emotions, the art, that was swirling around us like a mist at that time.  You can see the satisfaction of everyone in the end.  The cool Master, Terry Date, the satisfied band and the thin, grieving Mother.  It was our reality.

Class dismissed.....

Friday, December 29, 2017


The end of a year is always a great time to reflect. The past, the future, friends, enemies, mistakes you made and accomplishments you dream of...there are so many bits and pieces that make up our journey! Organizing thousands of photos has kept me very busy during my home time, the last 2 years. Many people say "oh, now you can rest," when I return home, but the truth is, Home is the precious chaos that links our life into one element. It links the tours, family and work into one solid streamer!

On this venture through the past, I came across photos of Max recording Head Up with the Deftones. I admit, we are addicted to their friendship. I am certain it stems back to when a smiling ear to ear Dana introduced us to a dreadheaded Chino and his band of pot smoking, smiling, sickest artists ever, soon to be at the time..friends. Is there a word that combines family and friends? Fremaly? Anyway, yes, we have a special affection for anything Deftone. Missing a son is rough but you know what? Lots of Mothers have lost children and it all aches the same. A great deal. But you can give up your life mourning or you can chose to do what your child would want you to do, and that's LIVE! Let's all send Chi Cheng's adorable Mother, Jeanne Cheng, a virtual hug right now! God knows how strong she is!

The photo above is from the time Chino came to our home to write First Commandment with Max. I love this photo. I love looking at every detail and recalling the tiny moments each object saw in our home. This path lead us to Seattle and the eventual recording of Head Up. I grabbed that little piece of paper with Dana's lyrics and took it to Chino. He loved it! Dana would have been freaking out to know the Deftomes used his lyrics! He was so happy when Max sat with him at our table and they wrote the lyrics to Attitude together! And if he knew Muse used the riff at their shows, that would be a straight up stage dive!

Enjoy these photos!!! They are raw, from a wound, a face plant, a bone sticking through. They are a glimpse into a time when I was just coming out of a mist and Max was in a moment of fury! In the New Year, let's all have more compassion, more spirit and less selfish behavior. I'm over it! Too many people speak with "I" or "Me" in every sentence. Let's return to "We" because that's what the Tribe is! Every day we add new members! And we pick each other up in the pit! HAPPY METAL NEW YEAR!! I resolve to bring Max and his pack to every place on the Earth, every destination there are Tribe waiting! No club is too small, no country is too far! Let's RAGE!!

Class dismissed......till next year!